How to Cite
Abrego, G., Pérez, A., Cáceres, A., Almanza, . J., De León, E., Castillo, C., Sianca, O., Cedeño, G., Cogley, H., Cárdenas, R., Acosta, C., Rodríguez, E., Alvarado, C., Barragán, W., Ramos, O., González, D., Lorenzo, B., Mojica, Y., & Cisneros, C. . (2020). The Panamanian economy, a look at the past, present and future. Revista Semilla Científica, (1), 294–303. Retrieved from
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To understand the changes that the Panamanian economy has suffered because of the value it should have for us as students and future professionals. We have seen that in the last 20 years Panama has been one of the strongest economies in the region, and even the economic growth has still benefited us and with the setbacks at the international and national level. But today, the national economy loses dynamism, it has been predicted that GDP will grow by next year 2019 by 4%, compared to 3.7% in 2018. It will have a slight growth, but with risks, that are manifested in the transit through the Panama Canal and the construction sector that has been stopped for a period of time, which has caused the unemployment level to shoot up to 6%, affecting national consumption. The labor market behavior, as explained by Manuel Ferreira, director of Economic Affairs of CCIAP, remains with a tendency to rise in the unemployment rate, which could culminate this year in 6.3%, but with a tendency to decline in 2020 and 2021 as the economy reaches growth above 5%.



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