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The union movement has its origin from the phenomenon of industrialization, where there was an increase in the number of workers having men, women, and children equally among their ranks, who would be exploited indiscriminately. The trade union movement was born then to enforce the rights of workers and regulate the conditions to which they were subjected. It is here where the union positions itself as an association of salaried or employed workers, permanent and autonomous, non-profit, for the representation and defense of their collective interests, notwithstanding the arrival of the union movement in America Latina did not have the best reception, facing various problems and showing a significant gap between the private sector and public sector unions. For the following research work, bibliographic review and hermeneutics were used for the analysis of the postulates, as well as various articles, books, magazines and surveys retrieved from virtual libraries, a detailed analysis was carried out regarding the positions of the authors who have made significant contributions on unions in the public and private sector, making a historical retrospective of their origin and how this labor movement came to Latin America, likewise an approach was made to unionism in Colombia, the problems to which faced and the impact caused. Thus, concluding that the unions have been exposed to environments of inequality, State interference, lack of cohesion from the worker base and several critical moments since their creation, observing, as well as the main differences between the public and private sectors, causing distortions in the right of strike and bargaining, and serious and irreconcilable significant wage gaps.
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