

How to Cite
Pitti Suira, S. Y. (2023). Powers of the Complainant in accordance with article 341 of the current Code of Criminal Procedure. Cathedra Journal, (19), 52–60. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n19.848
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Throughout the criminal procedural practice, many are the positions that have been discussed with respect to the figure of the victim or plaintiff, his or her actions and powers within the criminal process.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, there has been no major difficulty regarding the recognition of the rights of the victims, as well as the legal powers that may be exercised by the plaintiff once constituted as a plaintiff.

The crux of the discussion has always been the procedural timing of the filing of the complaint and any powers conferred by Article 341 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

This brief, but necessary essay will deal with this particular subject, and is not intended to convince any participant in the process of our particular criterion, however, we do intend to bring to the debate our position, and hope that it can be analyzed, discussed, and why not, be used as a point of consensus for the unity of criteria throughout the national territory.



Código Procesal Penal de Chile. https://bcn.cl/2f7dm

Código Procesal Penal, 2011. Ley 63 agosto 28, 2008. 29 de agosto de 2008, (Panamá).

Corte Suprema de Justicia. Pleno (M. P. Olmedo Arrocha; junio 3 de 2020).


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