

How to Cite
Peñalba Ríos, L. G. (2023). Principle of legality within criminal procedures. Cathedra Journal, (19), 61–72. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n19.828
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This investigation entitled principle of legality within criminal proceedings, seeks to assess whether the principle of legality within criminal proceedings is met in the Accusatory Penal System in Santiago de Veraguas, through a quantitative methodology where the survey instrument is applied. to 10 lawyers who have been part of the SPA in Santiago, from this it was concluded that in the first instance it is highlighted that the Hi hypothesis is corroborated, in which it is established that in the SPA of Santiago the principle of legality is complied with, that is to say that it ensures that sanctions are established based on what is imposed in Panamanian laws. The answers obtained from lawyers who have practiced their profession for years within the SPA confirm this point, since it was corroborated by a high percentage that all criminal proceedings are intervened in accordance with current laws and jurisdiction, therefore, it is concluded that the law prevails.



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