

How to Cite
Collantes González, R. D. (2022). Review about forensic entomology in Panama. Cathedra Journal, (18), 36–44. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n18.761
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Forensic Entomology is a scientific discipline that serves as support in the development of research in criminalistics and forensic sciences; in order to estimate the possible moment of death, if the corpse was moved, among other important details. This is possible by knowing the state of decomposition of the corpse, the identification of species of insects and other arthropods, as well as the determination of the number of specimens and the stages of development. Although in other latitudes the development of forensic sciences has made significant progress, some limitations are still faced, due to various factors, such as weather, if the victim died of poisoning, among others. In Latin America, even with an offer of university careers in Criminalistics and Forensic Sciences, more efforts are needed to investigate the matter. This paper is a review about the research carried out to date on Forensic Entomology in the Republic of Panama; which allows to present the most outstanding contributions in this area of ​​knowledge. There are experiences occupying pig corpses, pig entrails, rat carcasses and even human liver; in different environments in Panama. These studies confirmed the importance of the Diptera order, especially the family Calliphoridae; followed by the orders Coleoptera and Hymenoptera.



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