

How to Cite
López Barrios, S. N. (2022). The value of social networks within the paradigm of the rights And obligations in political matters of the citizen. Cathedra Journal, (18), 23–35. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n18.759
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Social networks constitute a new language in our society, their use depends on the clear awareness of citizens due to the social impact it causes on the person who uses them as well as the community in general, who is the recipient of said information, hence the importance of their responsibility in handling them, on the other hand, we must protect ourselves from the attacks that we are exposed to as citizens, such as Cyberbullying and Harassment Sexting. The response to this behavior will be consistent with the way we repel it, hence the knowledge of these practices is vital to save lives that are sadly lost, due to these behaviors against the dignity of people.



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