

How to Cite
González Ariza, H. (2022). The scope of the mortgage contract (real estate) as a security interest to secure the performance of an obligation, under the civil law of panama. Cathedra Journal, (17), 54–74. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n17.668
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It must be borne in mind that through the figure of the mortgage, the property on which it is imposed, whatever its owner, is directly and immediately subject to the fulfillment of the obligation for whose security it was constituted. More broadly, the mortgage can be understood as the contract by virtue of which a person called the mortgage debtor, constitutes a real right over a property, generally immovable, determined and alienable, in favor of the other party called the mortgage creditor, to guarantee compliance, of an obligation, without dispossessing the debtor of the encumbered asset and that gives the creditor rights, of persecution and in case of breach of the obligation, of alienation and preference to be paid with the proceeds of the alienation. In this context, according to Panamanian civil regulations, the following may be the object of a mortgage: real estate, alienable real rights, in accordance with the laws, movable property that can be determined or individualized. Now, being the solemn mortgage contract for its constitutive validity, in addition to the common requirements demanded of contracts according to the Civil Code, it is essential that the deed where it is constituted be registered in the Public Registry of the Republic of Panama or institution specific when it applies to goods not subject to registration in said registry entity.



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