

How to Cite
Yanes Montoya , Y. del C., & Noroño Sánchez, J. G. (2022). Globalist influence on trade union organizations and labor relations in Colombia 2022. Cathedra Journal, (17), 11–29. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n17.665
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The present is an essay oriented by the critical analysis method, with a descriptive qualitative approach. It begins with essential characteristics that allow knowing the chosen topic in which it describes all the fundamental parts of it through data collection. In addition, documents of historical and current contributions to the influence of globalization on union organizations and labor relations in Colombia were analyzed, based on international legal tools and national regulations. In the opinion of the researcher, the results obtained that in Colombia companies employ labor flexibility, which makes it difficult for workers to belong to unions, showing low affiliation to union organizations and weakening this, without the comprehensive application of public policies that regulate labor relations. In this vein, this study allows us to know about the current state of trade union organizations and aims to offer alternatives to strengthen their growth and counteract any act of abuse by companies.



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