

How to Cite
Linares Ruiz, C. M. (2021). Contribution of the various disciplines of geomatics to the forensic area. Cathedra Journal, (16), 11–29. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n16.546
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Being the geomatics a term that arises for the first time in 1969, by the French Dubuisson, the definitions that are given to him at present maintain that initial essence, being one of them, according to the Royal Academy of The Language: “science and technology of the capture, analysis, interpretation, distribution and use of geospatial data “, “Field of activities that, using a systemic approach, integrates all the means to acquire and process spatial data required as part of scientific, administrative, legal and technical activities that are concerned with the production and management of spatial information”, This discipline in recent years has been developed to a large extent in various areas, the incorporation of the use of GPS (global positioning system), belonging to the United States and that after arising for exclusive use in the military and security field, opened its doors to public use, bringing with it a range of multiple utilities. Similarly, the rest of the branches of geomatics, such as topography, cartography, remote sensing and photogrammetry, are equally interesting for the development of multiple activities in the forensic area. In various countries and in view of the scientific nature of the different areas used in criminalistics and forensic sciences, the various branches of geomatics have been incorporated, such as topography to obtain data in the field for different crimes and proceedings, from the initial ocular inspection in the place where an event occurs, verification of data in cases related to land litigation issues or fixation by methods such as the use of polygonal to establish affected areas in a case against the environment. Photogrammetry has also come to be incorporated into this range of interesting tools used to generate data that are then presented to support and serve as illustrative demonstrative evidence, since the advent of Digital Photogrammetry in the 90s, one of the features most notable of this line is its growing popularization and socialization; that is, the possibility of developing low cost lines available to any type of user. Currently, one of these possibilities is the use of unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), popularly known as “drones”, with low cost to obtain aerial images that allow the derivation of cartographic products whose applications extend to different fields of work. The incorporation of all these existing forms within the ranges offered by geomatics have not escaped our country, where in recent years’ tools related to this discipline have been used in the field of topography and illustration through the use of georeferenced data, as well as the incursion in the use of unmanned aerial platform more recently.



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