

How to Cite
Herrera Jara, L. E. (2021). Human emails: victims or parties. Cathedra Journal, (15), 26–52. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n15.470
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The main objective of the theme “human emails” is to determine the socioeconomic decision and other general aspects that facilitate or allow the implementation with greater frequency of the


use of human emails for illicit activities, likewise, the repercussion that this generates in society. In the same way, it will allow the Institutions in charge of control to contribute directly to eradicating this phenomenon that has been occurring within society, without distinction of social classes and taking low-income communities as a weak point. The sum of these factors makes the criminal organizations develop the maximum efforts to carry out this nefarious business and resort to different tactics to try to evade the controls. Due to the increase in people captured as human couriers, alarms go off in the authorities, forcing them to create and implement strategies or policies that contribute to the reduction of this scourge, since it is considered according to statistics that, for each mule captured, two achieve their objective. But the most important thing is not the capture, because these people are not part of the criminal organization, so drug trafficking is not being eradicated, but they are people outside the links that make it up. Finally, the problem lies in establishing whether the people who are used as human couriers are victims, participants or innocent.



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