

How to Cite
García Vargas, E. A. (2020). The Crimes against the public administration, in the investigation phase of the accusatory criminal process. Cathedra Journal, (14), 45–56. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n14.403
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The punitive power of the State is manifested in different ways, among which is the mandatory compliance with criminal regulations, which provides various human behaviors that delimit the facts that, if committed, will result in the application of a sanction; However, this power is not omnipotent, but limited to certain principles that justify precisely the rule of law and the fundamental guarantees of associates. However, even criminal law should only intervene in the face of the serious aggression of a protected legal good or the impossibility of using other less burdensome social control mechanisms, which is related to the principles of subsidiarity and fragmentation, as well as its character of last ratio, in accordance with article 3 of the Criminal Code. A conduct to be classified as “punishable!” Must be previously described as a crime and conform to its literal wording, as prescribed by article 12 of said legal excess. The Crimes Against the Public Administration configure criminal behaviors regulated in our Criminal Code, whose purpose lies in the protection of the proper functioning of the tasks and duties attributed to certain persons, namely, public officials or servants, who administer the coffers of the State. Each of these behaviors typified in the Criminal Code aimed at punishing the mismanagement of the public thing, must be analyzed from the perspective of typicality, in accordance with the principle of legality stipulated in article 31 of the Political Constitution of the Republic of Panama. Before the criminal news for the alleged commission of one of these punishable acts, the Public Prosecutor’s Office must adopt a whole range of innovative investigation strategies and techniques, which allow to prove the objective and subjective aspect of it, namely the crime and the connection from a public server to it, or sometimes a private one.



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