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This article is based on the application of the concept of legitimate defense in the development of police operations, noting that the wide application of this figure, allows to determine that public servants representing the Military Forces, act in the development of combats when using certain maneuvers in legitimate Institutional defense, since the illegal armed groups that criminalize, permanently observe hostile attitudes, which empower the troops, to defend the Institutionality, without waiting for aggression or physical damage as such to the person, without in order to avoid that damage, and also avoid affecting the purposes of the State and the rights that it must protect. As a performance of the human being, inherent in its conservation instinct, there is a legitimate defense as an innate trait of people in all their fields, which has been transformed with the passing of times and the changes that the society, reaching the point of requiring compliance with certain requirements to discuss its configuration within a legal system, to allow the author to be exempt from responsibility for a typical event or the reduction of the applicable sanction, in the case of not complying with its full with such requirements.
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