

How to Cite
Aizpú Ramos, R. C. (2020). The Body interventions and fundamental rights. Cathedra Journal, (13), 11–23. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n13.384
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The text that we present focuses on a conceptual and adjective humanistic thinking of those acts of evidentiary formation that require judicial protection as state control to limit state power in the person of the Public Prosecutor's Office, which by having the State apparatus at its service can unbalance the scale of access to justice. Under this axiom, we expose the need to control the acts of the investigation by standardizing fundamental rights, such as privacy, personal integrity and human dignity. In this section we will analyze prior control, based on human criteria that restrict the most intimate rights of human nature and the foundations of its evidentiary reasoning, based on a probabilistic standard of logical inferences.



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