Revista CATHEDRA 12


How to Cite
Gutiérrez Quintero, M. (2020). Brief considerations on banking law. Cathedra Journal, (12), 40–50.
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Banking law as a source of specialized legal knowledge in an area that includes a multidisciplinary, technical and complex study, is a branch little explored by the literature, especially by the Panamanian legal literature. This branch of law comes to suppose a legal specialty that obviously has its development on the activity of a company, the bank, but that, on the other hand, has its subject of protection, which does so according to the author's criteria. eminently public branch of law, in the person understood as a banking consumer.Thus, in the face of fundraising from the public and the clear importance of the entire financial system, banking law tends to frame this entire field of study and to find the best sources of regulation in the sector that per se is widely regulated, in the Panamanian case, through the  Panama´s Superintendency of banks.



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