Revista CATHEDRA 12


How to Cite
Miranda Guerra, J. A., & Rivera Cano, O. R. (2020). Practical analysis of "Insider Trading" in the criminal law of Panama. Cathedra Journal, (12), 30–39.
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The purpose of this article is to introduce a criminal figure on which the doctrine is scarce with respect to national experiences and even in other latitudes of our continental area, the experience in the United States being probably one of the most enriching, from a perspective Academic, however, is an existing figure in our Penal Code, technical and interesting, where for its configuration and proof, the legal is perfectly combined with the forensic sciences. However, it is necessary in advance to enter the system in which it occurs, this being the financial system, and also the specific market, that is, the stock market, which has a greater positive impact on the economy of the country. country and that represents an alternative means for the financial development of investors, who must be protected, added to the market in which they develop.



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