Revista CATHEDRA 11


How to Cite
Villareal, T. (2020). The public procurement, as a specialty in legal study. Cathedra Journal, (11), 53–59.
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In this article we discuss the importance of the study of Public Procurement and the impact of corruption in the development of public policies, and state projects. Whenever, each public administration establishes within its government plan, infrastructure projects of collective interest. In that sense it is necessary, that citizens can raise awareness, that the first public administration controller is himself. In the same order of ideas, we must take into account that, public contracts in Panama have been constantly questioned, due to corruption scandals, which have had an international impact, and which makes it necessary for governments to modify current regulations. in this matter. The changes to be made must have an exhaustive study of the needs of the market, coupled with the principle of transparency, which we must demand so much compliance.



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