Revista CATHEDRA 11


How to Cite
Barría Vargas, G. (2020). The Expert evidence as evidence in the accusatory criminal process of the Republic of Panama. Cathedra Journal, (11), 36–52.
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The means of expert evidence was previously little known or publicly spread, however, with the technological advances and new trends and fields in which personal, commercial and legal relationships develop, have led to the strengthening of its usage and it has been incorporated as the rest of the evidence as a more conclusive, precise and effective means of proof and thus it can bring light on the elements that the judges may not know or it may help to obtain an appreciation closer to the object of the opinion, although the court has the faculty to depart from the criterion stated in the expert opinion, as long as a point of view can be correctly substantiated. In present times, the legal expert within the Accusatory Criminal System is an essential means of proof for the adequate substantiation of the arguments of the litigants and the correct resolution by the Judge.



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