Revista CATHEDRA 10


How to Cite
Sanchez, O. (2019). Criteria applicable to the processes of adolescents, within the acusatory penal system in the Republic of Panama. Cathedra Journal, (10), 44–62.
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The current Political Constitution of the Republic of Panama expressly establishes the creation of the Special Jurisdiction for Minors, including in the same parameters, the adaptation of adolescents, the social rehabilitation of the abandoned, homeless, in moral danger or with imbalance. This constitutional recognition guarantees and sustains the specialization of justice institutions for children and adolescents from a naturist, pathological and socially and morally dangerous perspective.The Constitution enshrines at least two fundamental guarantees in favor of adolescents. With regard to the criminal act, the guarantee of a special jurisdiction different from the ordinary criminal jurisdiction, and a special regime of deprivation of liberty, different from the regime of the correctional centers of rehabilitation for adults



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