Revista CATHEDRA 9


How to Cite
Polo, E., & Español Sierra, W. F. (2019). The Right to education of persons deprived of freedom in Panama and Colombia. Cathedra Journal, (9), 71–82.
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Education is recognized as a human right, fundamental for the personal and social development of every human being. The rights of persons deprived of their liberty are enshrined in various universal and regional human rights instruments. The right to education of this sector of the population is a fully recognized right and is framed from the perspective of human rights. It is education in general, and especially in penal institutions, one of the fundamental elements, which acts as a safeguard of the condition of being human for those people who have ever committed crimes. Accordingly, incarceration, even if it is considered a justified punishment, should not entail an additional deprivation of civil rights. This reality is visible not only in the Panamanian society, but also in the Colombian one, in both countries, although the normative realities are different the essence of the prison is the same and it is looked for according to the international law that the education fulfills a fundamental role in the re-socialization of the person deprived of freedom.



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