Revista CATHEDRA 8


How to Cite
Ayú Prado, G. B. (2018). The Labor relations and negotiation based on interests in the Panama Canal. Cathedra Journal, (8).
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Interest Based Negotiation is defined as an alternative style of negotiation used to achieve positive results for both parties. It is a style that uses the beliefs, principles, steps and techniques marked differently from the traditional negotiation of adversaries. The emphasis in the traditional negotiation rests on the relative power of the parties and his disposition to use it, in the relation with specifics issues, as well as with the general arrangement. The Interest Based Negotiation is a consensus-solution approach to negotiations that focuses on the interests of the parties.



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Lebel, Pierre (1990). El arte de la negociación, Barcelona: Ediciones CEAC.

Martinez Neira, Néstor Humberto. (1995) Justicia para la Gente, Ministerio de Justicia y del Derecho. Santafé de Bogotá.

Constitución Política de la República de Panamá, Título XIV – El Canal de Panamá.

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