Revista CATHEDRA 8


How to Cite
Rivera Cano, O. (2018). The organizations of financial supervision and its incidence in the prevention of criminal activity. Cathedra Journal, (8).
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Given the plurality of events that have recently emerged in financial matters, which have had a direct impact on our country, a noteworthy issue is the role played by financial supervisory bodies in a country like ours. Those, sometimes unknown by ordinary citizens, but which act fundamentally with respect to criminal activities that could occur through an activity that is legitimately legitimized and which contributes to our growth as a Republic. In this way, we offer the internal and external public to this field of study, a basic consultation tool that allows us to identify what is a supervisory body, which regulates the financial market in our country, legal and doctrinal aspects of its operation, and the legal - criminal part of vital importance in the preventive role entailed by its functions.



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