Revista CATHEDRA 8


How to Cite
ESPADA, M. (2018). The inimputability and the security measures. Cathedra Journal, (8).
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The behavior of the human being in society is limited to a series of norms that limit or constrain him to make adjusted decisions or not a socially accepted behavior. Freedom as a Human Right, offers the idea, above all to the citizen who is not linked to legal studies who, in an unlimited way, can materialize their decisions in their social environment, with knowledge of the consequences of their actions, or, with ignorance of the rules that govern their behavior. This capacity, for free thinking and free acting, irreversibly, brings with it a causal link, between the act produced and its effect or consequence. For Civil Law, for example, all acts are related to relations between individuals, who formally or informally, perform with their interaction contracts or quasi- contracts, and when not simply the consequences of a conduct derive offense or quasi- delict, all of the above, presuming that whoever performs the acts is a subject of law, according to the rules of the legal capacity of the people. In criminal matters, the behaviors that interest this branch of law, logically have to do with those not accepted by society, and have decided normatively, typify as negative behavior or crime. Determine then, under the principle of presumption of innocence, that a person committed a punitive conduct, is precisely to consider whether the alleged offender of the rule, meets the minimum requirements of criminal law, to impute the description of the criminal offense, and the consequences derived, both criminal (sanction), and civil (reparation of the damage). However, the mere performance of a criminal act does not automatically generate that the person who presumably did it is imputable, not because of the nature of the act itself, but because of the subjective protection of the rule, which focuses on the characteristic of the act. person who made it.



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Constitución Política de la República de Panamá. Código Penal de la República de Panamá

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