

How to Cite
Collantes González, R. D. (2024). Irresponsible use of agricultural pesticides: Health problems and death. Cathedra Journal, (22), 84–93. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n22.1452
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The world population continues to grow, which is why areas of agricultural use become urbanized, while spaces with wildlife are deforested to produce more food. Conventional management still persists, with which the indiscriminate use of synthetic pesticides, in addition to attacking natural biodiversity, also directly affects human beings. The present work is a systematic review on how the irresponsible use of pesticides used in agriculture and animal husbandry can cause health complications and even death (premeditated or accidental). A total of 40 references related to the topic were consulted, chosen for their relevance. As a result, it was found that in Panama there are 72 prohibited pesticides, 13 with restricted use and 110 highly dangerous due to their toxicity, carcinogenicity, among other attributes; highlighting prohibited (47), restricted use (11) and highly dangerous (56) insecticides. Although there are international agreements that regulate the marketing, distribution, handling and final disposal of pesticides, distant rural areas are vulnerable, due to limited access to suitable training on the subject. To the extent that the population can be enlightened about the risks linked to the irresponsible use of pesticides, this situation could be reoriented towards sustainable production for both humans and wildlife.



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