

How to Cite
Guerra Acosta, J. M. (2024). Comprehensive reform to the general administrative procedure in Panama. Effectiveness, functionality and resilience. Cathedra Journal, 1(21), 93–100. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n21.1417
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The legal ideology of any administrative process is vested in the chronological progression of acts or series aimed at the set of administrative acts emanating from public servants to achieve a specific state goal, prone to the necessity of submitting requests, complaints, and claims made by the administered and awaiting timely responses. Thus, the Law 38 of July 31, 2000, published in the Official Gazette No. 24109 on August 1 of the same year, was born, adopting the Organic Statute of the Office of the Attorney General as the entity ensuring faithful compliance with legal provisions, promoting and defending the Rule of Law, contributing to the full development of public function management in adherence to the principles of legality, legal reservation, transparency, efficacy, and efficiency in the quality of public service provision. It regulates the General Administrative Procedure in Panama, addressing the needs of the administered to safeguard their essential rights previously described in isolated norms and addressing a significant legal vacuum regarding how administrative procedures are determined and regulated, who is the subject of the public function promoting and supervising legal provisions of the administrative procedure. To these questions, a highly significant aspect is added: existing legal provisions evolve in tandem with technological innovation to the extent that it has been a determining factor in the automation of administrative processes, leading to the streamlining of administrative procedures, addressing various concerns that afflict day-to-day life in Panamanian positive law. However, it has also been a constant challenge due to the lack of trained human resources to handle daily administrative requests, lack of state legal capacity in public-private investments for continuous improvement in technological data storage infrastructures for streamlining administrative processes. The legal provision under analysis still faces many legal gaps today, particularly in light of the promulgation in the Official Gazette No. 26090, Law 51 of July 22, 2008, regulating electronic documents and technological storage platforms in Panama. Despite having 16 years of legal life, we still encounter many challenges and obstacles in public administration.



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