

How to Cite
Flores Cedeño, J. (2017). Panorama nationality juridicity. Cathedra Journal, (7), 64–75. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n7.136
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In this article, we present a portrait of Dr. Justo Arosemena, a great figure of our country, whose legacy has been an example for different generations of Panamanians who saw in him a man of integrity and principles who never put personal interests above the community. Justo Arosemena is considered at the present time, as the most profound ideologist of Panamanian nationalism, because through his thought the historical, political, geographic and sociological reasons that gave sense and coherence to the national being, as demonstrated, In his work summit: “The Federal State of Panama”. We propose in these pages to highlight some aspects related to his life and work which is intimately linked to the history of Panama in the nineteenth century.



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