

How to Cite
Peñalba Ríos, L. G. (2024). The criminal process of the adolescent in Panama. Cathedra Journal, (22), 41–53. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n22.1341
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Criminal justice related to adolescents is an issue of great relevance in any society, as it involves the protection of the rights and development of youth, while addressing responsibility for criminal acts. In Panama, as in many other countries, a specialized legal and justice system has been established to serve those adolescents who have a conflict with the law. This system's main objective is not only to apply punitive measures, but also to provide opportunities for resocialization and education that allow young people to effectively reintegrate into society. This report explores in detail the criminal process of adolescents in Panama, from the initial investigation to the implementation of specific measures for their custody and education. In addition, the fundamental laws and principles that govern this system are analyzed, highlighting the importance of guaranteeing the best interests of the child and adolescents, specialization in the educational approach and resocialization. International regulations, conventions and treaties that support the rights of adolescents in the context of criminal justice are also examined, highlighting the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and the United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency. Finally, a critical opinion on the system is presented and it is concluded by highlighting the importance of addressing the existing challenges to guarantee that all the rights of the adolescent who is going through a legal process in Panama are fully fulfilled.



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