

How to Cite
Escala, S. (2017). The Energy and its legal approach in Panama. Cathedra Journal, (7), 11–22. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n7.129
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Regulation of the energy sector arises from the beginning of the Republic, when laws relating to electricity and hydrocarbons are made for the first time, we can appreciate this with Law 30 of February 10, 1909, which dictates provisions on acquisition of mines or oil deposits, and Law 60 of December 28, 1912, where the nation assumes the exclusive right to grant on the roads, streets and places of common use, licenses for the installations destined to the production of electric energy for public lighting and private. The rules on energy have changed over time, however, when you talk about energy, you tend to think only about electricity, when hydrocarbons are also included. In both sectors we have institutional and regula- tory frameworks created several years ago, which have been subject to multiple modifications, as in the case of the electricity sector where Act 6 of February 3, 1997, was recently twenty years old, and Law 8 of 16 June 1987, which regulates the activities of hydrocarbons, which finds its main support in Cabinet Decree No.36 of 17 September 2003, which establishes the national hydrocarbons policy and makes other provisions.



Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Publicos. (s.f.). Obtenido de http://www.asep.gob.pa/

ETESA. (s.f.). Obtenido de http://www.etesa.com.pa/

Código Penal panameño

Código Fiscal panameño

Decreto de Gabinete No.36 de 17 de septiembre de 2003 y sus modificaciones

JORDAN S., W. (2 de Noviembre de 2003). La Prensa. Obtenido de http://impresa.prensa.com/economia/Fuerza-Luz-creacion-IRHE_0_1050645114.html

Ley 8 de 16 de junio de 1987 y sus modificaciones

Ley 45 de 4 de agosto de 2004

Ley 41 de 2 de agosto de 2012

Ley 37 de 10 de junio de 2013 y sus modificaciones

Oficina de electrificación rural (OER). (s.f.). Obtenido de http://www.oer.gob.pa/

Secretaria Nacional de Energía. (s.f.). Obtenido de http://www.energia.gob.pa/

Texto Único de la Ley 6 de 3 de febrero de 1997


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