

How to Cite
Niño Sandoval, M. (2017). The law citizenship right and solidarity: conceptualising citizenshipand social norms. Cathedra Journal, (6), 69–80. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n6.124
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 The development of current societies requires a constant process of renewal and updating, dealing with the distribution system of different matters, according to people's essential needs and requirements. This distribution system is people's decision through their legislative corporations and through the democratic participation headed by each citizen. This act implies co-responsibility. lt sets out a different manner of looking at the law, looking for a development model contemplated and considered according to the needs and aspirations of the citizen, the community, the human beings, what is normally known and entitled as people. Equality consists in placing the other, on the same plane, without distinction, seeing it in the same ethical dimension, once this step is fulfilled a new relationship arises. Fraternity is an act, it is not enough to pay tribute to the good, to the meaning of the word, it is demanded for it to be fulfilled, to be performed. ln order to be able to act this way, the person must feel free, not interested, abandon the self, resulting in an experience of liberation, inner peace, unity, life, gratuity and reciprocal recognition. Deep human relations lead to the knowledge of other's circumstances and thus points out the duties of justice. Law is Justice. But they also entail fair action. Law is an experience, it is not only a rule of conduct, it is the way of living regarding the personal and social aspects.

The relationality as a form, provides consciousness of the social being, which implies power to discern the fair community as a right, the concrete matters of each social group, their needs and how to obtain their fulfillment.



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