

How to Cite
Villalobos, K. (2023). The legal regime for breastfeeding women in provisional detention or serving a conviction. Cathedra Journal, (20), 65–85. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n20.1223
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This research project focuses on the study called ''The legal regime of lactating women in provisional detention or in compliance with a conviction'' in said investigation it is intended to describe and know its legal regulations on which it is based. Within this investigation we will make a brief analysis of the different legal regulations on which the Panamanian prison system is based, the rights and guarantees enshrined in the Political Constitution of Panama, decrees, international human rights treaties and conventions, the criminal procedure code and the penal code of Panama regarding the exercise of maternity and lactation in women deprived of liberty who are in provisional detention or serving a conviction. These legal instruments establish the protection of all the inherent rights of every person that are related to the right to life, health, food, the right to exercise maternity and breastfeeding within penal centers and the conditions must be guaranteed to mothers. and minors inside prisons.



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