

How to Cite
Erne Morales, M. I. (2023). Expiration: extraordinary means of termination of the process. Cathedra Journal, (20), 10–19. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n20.1221
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The expiration or peremption of the instance is a different way, to what the adjective norm has predisposed, for the termination of the process. This occurs due to the lack of procedural activity of the parties within the procedure, within a legally determined period of time. The doctrine has not agreed as to whether this procedural legal institution is a tacit withdrawal of the action; or rather, if it is formally a penalty or sanction, to the procedural inactivity of one of the parties or if it is a legal presumption of lack of interest in the continuation of the case, which the judge assumes.



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Sentencia de la Sala Civil de 12 de septiembre de 2015


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