

How to Cite
Nieto Bernal, E. L. (2017). Right of property with respect to wasteland properties. Cathedra Journal, (6), 9–25. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n6.118
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The property is a right governed byArticle 58 of the Constitution and our civil laws have understood as a real right that is of tangible and intangible things. ln view of the above, this article aims to conduct a study on the right of private ownership of property when there is no title transferring ownership and therefore no registration of public instruments, a situat¡on that hinders the negotiability such goods. ln these events the Colombian legislation has indicated a process called membersh¡p a¡med at granting the domain of th¡ngs by acquisitive prescription in events that meet the requirements set forth in the law. However, a difficulty arises and when a person has possessed the good in a spirit of lord and master, for the term required, but when you start the process of membership is evidenced in the Certificate of Freedom and Tradition that it lacks holder of real rights, event in which the Constitutional Court has presumed that property is vacant and therefore imprescriptible.


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