Innovation is essential for a country’s economy to be globally competitive; therefore, entrepreneurship can have a positive impact on the development of the regional economy. The purpose of this research is to analyze the era of entrepreneurship as a framework of analysis in the economic growth of Panama between 2020-2023. The methodology used in the research gives way to a qualitative approach, of the participatory action research type, since a community of entrepreneurs was studied, who were subjected to an interview with open questions to know the bases they had to reach their ventures and how they have maintained it until today. As a result, it was found that people need support to understand that there is growth in entrepreneurship, as long as it is built on legal foundations, however, successful ventures play an essential role in the management process for the economic growth of Panama. The creation and development of new enterprises not only generates employment and opportunities, but also fosters innovation and competition in the market, thus promoting the economic expansion of the country.
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