

How to Cite
Pinzón, A., Fábrega, A., Mordok, A., Batista, A., Frias, A., Quintero, B., Rojas, B., Aguilera, C., Pinzón, G., Cedeño, G., Dominguez, G., Ampudia, I., Frías, J., Hinestroza, K., Castillo, K., Martínez, K., Dominguez, K., Ariza, L., Henríquez, M., Gonzalez, M., Pullaguary, P., García, R., Rodríguez, V., Segarra, V., Macías, Y., & Vásquez, N. (2023). Technique of sports biomechanics. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 397–408. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1285
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Our work is mainly focused on making known how biomechanics influences the sports field and how it can benefit to be able to understand their different techniques and how to improve each one of them for means of knowledge and functioning in order to achieve a better training and thus the athlete achieves a better performance in the area of sport, we can also highlight the great help that biomechanics gives ussport to avoid injuries and we can achieve all this thanks to the research carried out through biomechanical parameters such as the kinematics, dynamometry, electromyography and anthropometry. Some of the materials used to carry out this research were sources reliable sources of information in order to disseminate truthful information and with fundamentals. Some of the most relevant results that we have been able to obtain is the great evolution that we can see over the years since the scientific revolution until the century of the march since at that moment it was where the main contributions of biomechanics were given, such as the development instrumental techniques and methods to quantify kinematics. This way is how we can conclude that biomechanics has come feel our support center for understanding movement and responding to unknowns that arise over the years and thus help the innovation of new sports techniques as it is in the case of sports biomechanics.



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