

How to Cite
Castillo, K., Cedeño, G., Domínguez, G., Fábrega, A., Frías, A., Foster, M., Hinestroza, K., Martinez, K., Rojas, B., Iribarren, L., & Suncin, M. (2023). Evaluation of athletic performance in women’s Artistic Gymnastics in the floor discipline at “Aries Gymnastic Academy”. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 430–448. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1288
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Artistic gymnastics is a sport with a high degree of difficulty due to the demand of exceptional physical conditions of the athlete accompanied by psychic and functional demands, in this research article they focused on the physical performance of female athletes in artistic gymnastics, they collected data from a gymnastics academy “Aries Gymnastic” where they chose 12 gymnasts, and by means of 10 tests they quantified two essential capacities of this discipline which are strength and flexibility. Strength is mainly provided by type II muscle fibers and flexibility is mainly provided by the fibrous tissue of the cartilage. After the tests were completed, the results gave them varied scores that confirm a low and regular score, concluding that the training should be more precise to improve the technique and achieve greater strength and flexibility in these gymnasts.



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