Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The work to be submitted is original and unpublished
  • The article to be submitted has not been previously published, nor has it been previously submitted to another magazine
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS (, which can be found in the About the journal section
  • The text is structured according to the type of manuscript
  • The article should be sent in Word format
  • The text should be double spaced, Times New Roman font, 11 point size; title in Spanish and English; abstract with a maximum length of 300 words and structured according to the type of manuscript; keywords (3 to 10) according to MeSH, DeCS or Unesco Thesaurus
  • Citations (in-text) and bibliographic references follow the structure of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition system

Author Guidelines

  1. Manuscripts should contain the following data of the author(s): name and surname(s), ORCID, institution where he/she carries out his/her academic activity, city, country, and electronic address (e-mail). The author's academic information (academic degrees) should also be indicated in the footnote.

  2. Authors submit their manuscripts with the understanding that the work has not been previously published in print or electronic form and is not under consideration for publication in any medium. An electronic plagiarism detection system will be used; therefore, by submitting a manuscript, authors agree that their work may be subject to scrutiny for plagiarism of previously published works. Manuscripts that are not in the proper format will be returned to the authors for correction and resubmission before being considered for the refereeing process.

  3. Papers should be submitted in Spanish or English, given the international nature of the journal. The abstract must be additionally translated into English if it is written in Spanish. The length should be between two hundred (200) and three hundred (300) words; it should also contain between three (3) and ten (10) keywords according to MeSH, DeCS or Unesco Thesaurus, which should also be translated into English on the abstract page. The accepted length will be between 10 and 20 pages (this criterion is flexible within certain limits), with a Times New Roman font, 11-point size.

  4. The writing should use formal, simple, and direct language, avoiding as much as possible the use of unusual, rhetorical, or ambiguous expressions, as well as the excess and abuse of textual quotations. The paper should be submitted with reasonably acceptable writing, punctuation, spelling and typing. If the paper has problems of any kind, the pertinent observations will be made and it will be returned to the author for correction.

  5. The document must be written in the third person or in the infinitive, except for works under the qualitative approach or written production that corresponds to works of divulgation or other knowledge, in which the total or partial writing in the first person will be allowed, according to the author's style.

  6. In the main text, the excessive or inappropriate use of bold, italic, or cursive letters should be avoided, except for Latin terms and foreign words, which should appear in italic or italic letters.

  7. The first time an abbreviation is used, it should be enclosed in parentheses; thereafter, only the abbreviation should be used.

  8. If the paper contains tables, figures, or graphs, they should be numbered according to the order in which they appear in the text, with Arabic numerals, followed by a brief title. The source should be indicated at the end.

  9. In-text citations and bibliographical references should be made in accordance with the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) seventh edition. Carefully observe that all references are marked, that the spelling of the authors' names corresponds, and that the dates given in the text are the same as those given in the references.

  10. This set of standards may present variations over time, therefore, the changes that are made in it, will be published on a date according to its implementation.

  11. The editorial committee will always respect the theoretical orientation of the author. What will be evaluated is the coherence, originality, contribution to the discipline, clarity, and logic of the work.

  12. Papers selected for publication will not receive financial or any other type of retribution. They will only receive a certificate of publication signed by the editor, if requested.



DIALOGUS journal publishes research articles and scientific essays.



       They are productions with primary category as: reports of empirical research in which, the advances or results, general or partial, of original research, in some area of law and forensic sciences, which have not been previously published, are made known.


       Research developed from quantitative, qualitative, or mixed approaches is welcome. All manuscripts should make clear how the findings advance the understanding of the topic studied.


       Research articles should have the following structure:

  1. Main title of the manuscript in Spanish and English of up to 15 words.

  2. Identification of the author(s) (See point 1 of the AUTHOR GUIDELINES).

  3. Abstract in Spanish and English, written in the past tense, third person, and not to exceed 300 words.

  4. Introduction, Objective, Method, Results (expressed quantitatively, qualitatively, or mixed, as applicable).

  5. Conclusions.

  6. Bibliographical references. The authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references. The style will be according to APA norms (see point 9 of the GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS). Any unpublished sources and personal communications should not be included as references but should be noted in the text of the manuscript in parentheses at the end of the sentence they support.

  7. It is essential that at the end of the Method section, a small section entitled "Ethical Considerations" is included, in which they should explain what concerns Informed Consent and indicate if any ethical protocol was followed in the institution where the study was carried out, as well as if all participants were aware of the purpose of the research and if their participation was voluntary. All work involving research involving human subjects should follow the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association and the authors should confirm, when necessary, that informed consent was obtained and authors should confirm, when necessary, that informed consent was obtained. Authors should seek approval from the appropriate body of their institution, such as Research or Ethics Committees, for research work if required. Care should be taken to ensure that there is no potential harm to learners or teachers involved in the work and that the anonymity of participants is guaranteed.



It is a type of publication in which the writer expresses his/her ideology or thought, combined with an exhaustive theoretical/documentary review.

This type of publication shares with science one of its essential purposes, which is to explore reality in depth to get closer to the truth, which alludes to a person, object, event or particular phenomenon or social circumstance, standing out for a simple discourse but with a high linguistic level in accordance with the type of reader to whom it is addressed.

It includes works on: meta-analysis and critical evaluation of previous research, literature on some area of study of human sciences, education, educational management, social communication, and educational informatics.

This type of work should, preferably, offer the state of knowledge of said object of study; or allow the identification of relationships, contradictions or inconsistencies and propose solutions for further studies.


Essay Structure:

It does not have a pre-established scheme since it depends on the author's rationality, however, the text must be characterized by coherence and cohesion, based on an investigative-reflective discourse, considering the bibliographic background of the topic and the knowledge generated by other researchers.