

How to Cite
Sánchez, O. (2020). Recognition and application of human rights to criminal and criminal procedural law. Cathedra Journal, (13), 31–40. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n13.386
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Human Rights are respect for the dignity of being, as a human person, as determined by the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights." In Panama, the first legal reference, related to this issue is the Political Constitution of Panama, which is based on Title III, Chapter I, the Fundamental Guarantees, in articles 17 to article 55, where they give us all the rights either for the simple fact of being Human. Human rights are not concessions from States, they are the result of a cycle in which a part of society faces an act that violates dignity. In this we can mention the fundamental role of the National Police of Panama has to comply with and enforce the law without distinction of sex, social class and nationality, therefore human rights and their respect or violation are cultural product, that is, they result of the effort that each society makes for its own dignity, at a given moment.



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